The relationship between copywriting and selling

Copywriting is the art of persuading someone to take action through your words. So is personal selling. A key difference is that the copywriter doesn’t have the prospect in front of them and can’t see how the pitch is going in order to fine-tune it based on your prospect’s reaction.

Copywriters can do well to study the techniques used by professional salespeople to improve their own skills. Especially if you are involved in lead generation, where your copy is essentially the first step in the sales process.

Starting today, I’m reprising and refreshing a seven-part series on why copywriting is like selling that was originally a key component of my Direct Marketing Association course. The remaining posts will be published between now and the end of the year. Hope you find them useful.

If you don’t want to wait, you can read all the posts right now in Copywriting that Gets RESULTS! Get your copy here.